LED Therapy

LED Therapy is used to target inflamed acne, acne scarring, anti-aging concerns, and detoxification. LED can be used after oxygen treatments, micro-needling, facials, chemical peels, or even as its own treatment. LED alternates between infrared, red, and blue light, all of which have incredible benefits. At 420 nm, Blue Light helps kill bacteria that cause inflammatory acne vulgaris; Red Light (630 nm), on the other hand, stimulates ATP production which is the energy source in our body!

Client laying under Red light LED skin therapy with eye protection

Red and Infrared Light

Studies have shown that Red Light and Infrared Light have a very positive effect on human cells. I incorporate LED after oxygen treatments, extractions, microneedling, chemical peels, or even as its own treatment. Using 630nm of Red light penetrates into our tissue and affects our mitochondrial stimulation (think way back to that biology class you hated... Our cells are comprised of different components like a nucleus for example and mitochondria). When stimulated it produces ATP which is the energy source in our body. This stimulation aids in the formation of collagen in the body and makes sure our cells are operating at optimal levels - this is THE Anti-Aging treatment!

Red Light Therapy Positive Effects

  • Stimulates ATP so it's basically like caffeinating our cells to make sure they operate at an optimal level
  • It also stimulates our macrophages which are kind of like garbage men cells in our body so they are able to find the cells that are not operating at optimal levels - signal for them to be consumed and then trigger the body to make new cells
  • It activates fibroblast - WHICH produce Collagen and Elastin - Yasss anti-aging!
  • Aids in wound healing
  • Decreased swelling (reduces edema)
  • Anti-inflammatory - by activating our Mast Cells
  • Increased blood circulation in the skin- leading to greater tissue oxygenation, nutritional exchange, and detoxification
  • Makes cells more receptive to exogenous factors
  • Released endorphins
  • The list goes on and on!!
Client laying under Blue light led skin treatment in spa room with esthetician

Blue Light

At 420nm Blue Light targets Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) specifically-> which is the bacteria responsible for causing inflammatory acne vulgaris. 15min of Blue Light penetrates the sebaceous glands which produce singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen then in turn kills the bacteria! This does not cure acne, but when used in combination with professional skin care products that get your skin perfectly balanced and with regular extractions this will help clean the skin from the inside out!